So, I haven't blogged for a very long time, and I decided to blog now :D
I moved into my new house just over 6 months ago now, and we have been doing major DIY and decorating work :D
Every time I try and help, I end up hurting myself... I just don't think I'm cut out for all this DIY malarky. And why does the tidying up take about 50 times longer than the actual demolition to begin with =O.
I must say... I do love stripping... WALLPAPER! Gosh, you lot and your dirty minds. I've found a technique that works great :D.
First of all, you get one of those wallpaper stripper things, and the wallpaper metal stripper thing xD Everyone knows what I'm talking about ofc...
Once it's boiled and getting all steamy ;) (twitterwoo... see what I did there haha) and place it on the wall horizontally. Hold it on there for a few seconds, and then slide it down slowly. Pull the bit you have STEAMED downwards, and slowly pull it down in time with the steamer.
If you do it right, it should come down in one big strip :D
And just re-steam the mini bits you leave behind and scrape them with the scraper :D
Just make sure you do not burn yourself on the knees like I did :S Bad times HAHA
My instructions probably aren't that clear :/ But I tried xD. I found this a quicker way of steaming off wallpaper, and it was easier to tidy up as it comes off in giant strips :D